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The way of Divine Love

In John’s Gospel, the risen Christ brings the news of the divine Mercy and entrusts its ministry to his apostles. But, previously, He shows to them his hands and his pierced side, the wounds of his Passion, specially the wound of his Heart. From that source springs up over the sinful humanity the immense stream of the Divine Mercy.
The Heart of Jesus reveals the victory of the Resurrection: to the hatred and the denial of humankind, God answers with the immeasurable gift of his love and forgiveness.
This “Message”, twenty centuries later, is one more proof.


When Malta was introduced to Josefa’s conversations with the Lord, the devotion to the Sacred Heart was already very well established in the diocese.
It is common practice for families to have the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in a prominent place in the home with a light burning in front of it day and night.
Parents who commit themselves more meaningfully consecrate their family to the Sacred Heart.
The First Friday of the month is still a meaningful day for devotees. In most (…)

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“I will attach a special grace to each one of my Words”, said Jesus to Josefa. We receive many testimonies which are for us a great joy. And that is what motivates us to spread them as much as possible. One day, Josefa was tempted to destroy her note book; Mary stepped in and said to her : " Know that none of the words of my Son can be lost.”

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The Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Message

Founded in Paris by St. Madelein Sophie Barat in 1800, the Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus has received as its foundational grace the call to live “union and conformity” to the Lord in order to radiate by its love and service the very love of His Heart.
Spread as it is across the world, it still lives this call today through its diverse apostolates all of which seek to make known the love of Christ and to communicate it.
It is within this religious family that Sr. Josefa was (…)

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A message of love and mercy for today

"Throughout the centuries, I have revealed in different ways my love for humanity. I have made my Heart known to them: Now I want something more: I desire them to believe in my mercy, to expect all from my goodness, never to doubt my forgiveness. _
I want the whole world to know that I am a God of love, forgiveness and mercy. Do not be afraid… Come to me… If you only knew how much I love you !
To all I want to say: If you want happiness I am happiness, If you want peace, I am peace, (…)

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