« I will never forsake you... » |
"Throughout the centuries, I have revealed in different ways my love for humanity. I have made my Heart known to them:
Now I want something more:
I desire them to believe in my mercy, to expect all from my goodness, never to doubt my forgiveness.
_I want the whole world to know that I am a God of love, forgiveness and mercy.
Do not be afraid… Come to me…
If you only knew how much I love you !To all I want to say:
If you want happiness I am happiness,
If you want peace, I am peace,
If you want mercy I am mercy and love.If you want to give me the greatest proof of your love, count on my forgiveness and believe that your sins can never surpass my mercy for it is infinite.
My Heart loves souls so tenderly that it wants to make use of their miseries, their weaknesses and even their faults.I know you … and I love you so much that no amount of misery could ever turn my love away from you.
My Heart is not only an abyss of love; it is also an abyss of mercy"
In some words, the Message of Jesus can be so summarized :
"I do not need your strength but your surrender”
He who gives all asks that we, too, give Him all in return. Jesus constantly invites Josefa to go
further in her gift of self, her joys, sufferings, strengths and weaknesses.
"Nothing is too small when done out of love.”
Jesus manifests Himself to Josefa in her daily life. He encourages her, reassures her, reveals to
her the infinite value of ordinary tasks lived with Him, in His presence. _ Thus, the ordinary routine of daily life with its trivialities, becomes for her, as it does for us, the meeting place of union with God and His work of redemption…
“Like a father with outstretched arms, I wait for sinners
to come that I may give them life and true happiness.”
Jesus does not reserve His love just for the ‘righteous’.
He asks Josefa to follow Him in His search for sinners, in His struggle to put love where there is hatred, division and darkness.
From: «The Way of Divine Love: The Message of the Heart of Jesus to Sr. Josefa Menendez»