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Who is Josefa Menendez?

1890: Josefa is born in a Christian family in Madrid. Theirs is a warm, laborious life but marked by trials and mourning.

1920: She enters the noviceship of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Poitiers. Her story until her death in December 1923, as perceived by those who lived close to her, is written in a few words: she takes the habit in July 1920 and makes her religious profession on the 16th July 1922.
She spends four years in the hiddenness of daily tasks: cleaning, needlework, sacristy ….

But the story of her spiritual journey describes the action of God and of His love in a heart that is wholly given.
The Lord very quickly and very frequently manifests Himself to Josefa and associates her with His Work of Love.

With Him she has constantly to struggle against the forces of evil. Besides being a witness of His infinite love to the world, she will also witness His redeeming “passion”.

“I want to use you to make people know still more the mercy and love of my Heart ..
Help me in this work of love!”

1923: Josefa dies at Poitiers on the 29th December.

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